Tuesday, April 7, 2009


She heard the angry voices, the fighting, the hitting and
the verbal abuse. She heard the tears she cried. Then
she heard these words… “Trust in the Lord with all our
heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all
your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.”

Then she heard a tiny piece of his heart break.

She heard the lies, the empty promises “it won’t happen
again, I’ll never hit you again, I love you … it really didn’t
mean anything…I’m sorry.” Then she heard these words…
“Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart
from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to
your bones.”

Then she heard a little more of his heart break.

She heard the words “he’s cheating on her;” heard the
whispers “she’s so dumb she doesn’t even know” heard
the snickers from the women who seduced him into their
beds. Then she heard these words “who ever commits
adultery with a woman lacks understanding; he who
does so destroys his own soul”.

Then she heard even more of his heart break.

She heard the words “please forgive me I try to stop
cheating but I just can’t stop”. She heard the words
“I never meant to hurt you, can’t you see that I really
love you?” Then she heard these words “The fear of the
Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way
and the perverse mouth I hate. Counsel is mine and
sound wisdom; I am understanding, I have strength.”

Then she heard his heart break in two.

He heard the words “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”
Then he realized instead of killing her with a broken
heart; she instead killed him with a broken heart… her
faith in the Lord and herself made her heart stronger
than he could ever believe.

He heard the flowers hitting the casket… but he could
not hear any crying… then he realized she had cried
all her tears out when he was alive. Now he was gone
she has no more tears to give…then he heard…nothing more.

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Great books to read

  • From The Corner of His Eye By Dean Koontz
  • Bag of Bones By Stephen King
  • Along Came A Spider By James Patterson
  • Desperation By Stephen King
  • Intensity By Dean Koontz
  • Kiss The Girls By James Patterson
  • The Odd Thomas (Series) By Dean Koontz
  • The Green Mile By Stephen King
  • The Bluest Eyes By Toni Morrison
  • Almost Like Being In Love By Christina Dodd
  • The Stephanie Plum Series By Janet Evanovich
  • A Bend In The Road By Nicholas Sparks

Jenna (Daughter) Aaron (Nephew)

Jenna (Daughter) Aaron (Nephew)
His first day in day care (he was 5)

Brandon (Son) Aaron (Nephew)

Brandon (Son) Aaron (Nephew)
At Thanksgiving (acting crazy)

Candice (Daughter) Aaron (Nephew)

Candice (Daughter) Aaron (Nephew)
At Thanksgiving SAY CHEESE!


About Me

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Bronx, New York, United States
I've been writing poetry for quite a few years. It helps me keep sane. It is a crazy world, things happen all the time and if you don't release the emotions built up inside you, you can go a little insane. I have three children, their names and ages are: Jenna 22, Candice 20, and Brandon 17. I have a cute little Nephew; Aaron who is now 6. I have a friend who loved my poetry and thought others would love to read it too. Needless to say he talked me into publishing it. Now I am having a blast in writing and getting them published.